Biblioteca Digital

Encontradas 116 coincidencias

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Fashion and famine (1854) Stephens, Ann S ( 1810-1886)

Notices of the emperor Charles the Fifth, in 1555 and 1556 (1856) Stirling Maxwell, William, 1818-1878)

The ingenious and diverting letters of the Lady (1899) Aulnoy, Marie-Catherine Le Jumel de Barneville, 1650-1705)

Rudens (1891) Plauto, Tito Maccio.

An abridgment of Goldsmith's history of England (1838) Goldsmith, Oliver ( 1730?-1774)

The discovery of America (1892) Fiske, John ( 1842-1901)

The discovery of America (1892) Fiske, John ( 1842-1901)

Interludes (1889) Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1809-1892)

Poems of Shelley (1887) Shelley, Percy Bysshe ( 1792-1822)

The poetical works of John Keats (1889) Keats, John ( 1795-1821)


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